The Biophysical Properties of the Transdermal Measurement
Electrodermology asserts that skin resistance micromeasurements are diagnostic. Most all internal disturbances also affect the skin by topographical electric changes and patterns on micropoints in the skin. The transdermal measurement is a complicated state of affairs as the paper will [...]

Biological Effects of Quantum Fields and Their Role in the Natural Healing Proces
Physicists are well aware of the existence of energy fields which have properties which are not explained by the classical equations of Maxwell or Schrodinger. Experimental anomalies associated with “free energy” research may also involve non-classical energy fields, refered to [...]
The Basis of Bioelectromagnetism
The resurgence of interest in this eccentric genius can be correlated with the recent rediscovery of the exciting field of electromedicine. At the turn of the century when Tesla was doing his pioneering work, there was also tremendous interest in [...]

Altering of Molecular Movement ELF-Electromagnetic Disease Transmission
The physics and engineering behind electromagnetic disease transmission is truly amazing. Back in 1974, Soviet biologist A.P. Dubrov reported that "all living organisms emit gravitational (electromagnetic) waves." Dubrov recited data from his own experiments with polarizing microscopes (which divide light [...]

The Science of Bioenergetic & Bioelectric Technologies
The light of human progess is not a dim glow that gradually becomes more luminous with time. The panorama of human evolution is illuminated by sudden bursts of dazzling brilliance in intellectual accomplishments that throw beams far ahead to give [...]