Health Care

Are You PREPARED for the Future?

Many government, economic, and social issues of growing concern are raising the attention of U.S. citizens. In personal response to their grievances over these issues, a fast growing number of Americans are becoming more solution-oriented and hoping for the best, while preparing for the worst. Many of these Americans are becoming part of a population that teaches the importance of [...]

Trends in Practice

Over the course of time it has taken readers and I to observe the upward trends in practice of conventional medical clients turning to alternative therapy applications to reclaim their health, we have been introduced to a list of professionals and practitioners finally making their own adjustments to fit these changes. Now, we arrive at a center that has, since [...]

Embracing & Developing New Trends in Wellness

Although public interest in the procedures and results of alternative health remedies and technologies is becoming more widespread, there are many integrative health professionals who are realizing the difficulties in turning that public interest into public understanding. Aggressive innovation is the primary component to advancing any new and influential knowledge that can affect the way humans perform certain tasks; especially [...]

Understanding the Trends

After finishing my previous article, Trends and Transitions: Bringing Balance to Wellness through Alternative Technologies (2014), which discussed the transformation occurring in the practices of many health care providers adopting more natural treatments and abandoning many ineffective conventional methods, I realized though I had learned much on the developing forms of treatment, I was left with a list of questions that needed [...]

Trends and Transitions in Health Care

Recently, the world of health care has presented many individuals seeking treatment with numerous revolving doors that lead them only to more concerns and unanswered questions about their health conditions. As medical coverage costs escalate, most doctors are capable of only spending little time (on average a total of seven and a half minutes) with their  patients and are therefore [...]

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